
2024 MFA, West Dean college of Art, UK

2010 BA (HONS) Fine Art, Northbrook College Sussex, UK

Group Exhibitions

2025-Art is for everyone, Ox Market Contemporary, UK

2024-Hot Border, Copland gallery, London UK

Summer Show, Sussex Barn, West Dean college of Art, UK

Draw and Bite, Sevenoaks Kaleidoscope gallery, UK

Surface Matter, Worthing Museum and Art Gallery, UK

Finding MEaning, Colonnade Gallery, Worthing, UK (Solo)

2023- By all means, Copland gallery, London, UK

Summer Show, Sussex Barn, West Dean college of Art, UK

2022-WCPF, Woolwich, UK

INK, Sussex Printmakers, Colonnade Gallery, Worthing, UK

2021-WCPF, Woolwich, UK

Festival of Print, Phoenix Art space, Brighton, UK

INK, Sussex Printmakers, Colonnade Gallery, Worthing, UK

Celebration of Chalk grassland, Wiston Estate, Wiston, UK

2020-Elemental, trio Exhibition, Colonnade Gallery, Worthing, UK

2019-Sussex Makers, Worthing Museum and Art Gallery, UK

INK, Sussex Printmakers, Colonnade Gallery, Worthing,UK

(M)other, Colonnade Gallery, Worthing, UK

Pottery, Paint, Print & Poetry, Quartet Exhibition, Colonnade Gallery, Worthing, UK

Flora and Fauna, St Mary de Haura Church, Shoreham by Sea, UK

Inkpaper+print, Cambridgeshire, UK

2018-INK, Sussex Printmakers, Colonnade Gallery, Worthing, UK

Adur Art trail, Shoreham by sea, UK

Worthing Artist open house, Worthing, UK

Peon Boyle Printmaker, Colonnade Gallery, UK (solo)

2017-Summer Exhibition, Adur Art Collective, Sky way Gallery, Shoreham by sea, UK

Old and New, St Mary de Haura Church, Shoreham by Sea, UK

2015-Adur Art Trail, Shoreham-by-sea, UK

HAOS Art Fair, Roffey Park Institute, Brugess Hill, UK

2010-BA Fine Art Degree Show, Northbrook College Sussex, UK

BA Fine Art Degree Show, Free Range, London, UK


2025-Printmaking residency, Centro Português de Serigrafia


2024-The Art of Participation, Time for Worthing & Lorna Allan photography & art direction, Colonnade House-West Shelter, UK

2018-We make Worthing, Worthing Film Festival, UK

Adur Art Trail, Short film, UK


2024-Mercer’s Award 2024

Vice Chancellor Award, short listed

2023-QEST, short listed

2019-Creative Commission, Adur and Worthing Trust

Art Council England Artist Grand

2010-Sussex young artist of the year, Short listed

Public Speeches

Colonnade House Creative Hub

West Sussex Art association

Northbrook College MET